( lang=de,
lang=it )
Unterstützt wird: mlat= (wird vorrangig behandelt!), lat=, map=14/12.11/9.11, geo:, <wpt lat="48.1..
All Xmas Data
Xmas mit Overpass.eu suchen
Quality Control Layer
Yellow circles are unedited for more than 6 months. Orange circles for 2 years, pink for 4 years and red circles for 8 years no longer edited
Old Xmas Data
Old Xmas with Overpass.eu search
Static Xmas Data from a File. Load all data from 2024-10-31
Attention lots of data the browser becomes slow or crashes.
Diff Data to old Data (delete, edited and more)
static to static from 2020-01-13.json
static to static from 2020-12-16.json
static to static from 2022-12-19.json
static to static from 2023-01-07.json
static to static from 2023-01-15.json
static to static from 2023-01-24.json
static to static from 2023-10-11.json
static to static from 2024-01-10.json
advent_calendar | eng. | |
advent_wreath | eng. | |
crib | eng. | |
crib_museum | eng. | |
event | eng. | |
ice_rink | eng. | |
lighting | eng. | |
market | eng. | |
pyramid | eng. | |
santas-grotto | eng. | |
santas-letterbox | eng. | |
schwibbogen | eng. | |
shop[christmas_articles] | eng. | |
shop[christmas_tree] | eng. | |
theme_park | eng. | |
tree | eng. |
Bei Fragen, Wünschen und Anregungen einfach schreiben:
Weihnachts-Map Xmas
Xmas-map for openstreetmap
Ein danke an die vielen fleißigen (Plugin-) Entwickler die diese Seite erst möglich gemacht haben :)
© Symbole von: Design-Credits: https://de.vecteezy.com und OSM.org, Loading Icon (CC BY-SA 4.0)